Application deadline for SIAS Summer Institute Fellowships approaching

The SIAS Summer Institute “The Investigation of Linguistic Meaning: In the Armchair, in the Field, and in the Lab” offers fellowships for early-career researchers.
The deadline is January, 6th 2015. Application details can be found here!

About the program
The SIAS Summer Institutes are two-year research programs for young researchers and treat interdisciplinary topics. The goal of the Institutes is to sponsor joint interdisciplinary work by European and American researchers at an early stage of their career, thus fostering research networks and common activities. The idea is that cohort formation will, in the long run, contribute to close ties between research activities in Europe and the U.S. while simultaneously supporting the development of new fields of research.
Every Summer Institute consists of two 10– to 14–day workshops held in consecutive years, alternating between Europe and the United States. A team of one European and one American researcher heads the Summer Institute, in which these two Conveners and 20 Fellows — generally 10 Europeans and 10 Americans — as well as two to four outside specialists take part. Doctoral candidates near completion of their dissertation and post-docs may apply. Post-docs’ doctorates should have been completed no more than five years earlier, and their research work should have addressed one of the topics proposed for the institute. Participants receive a small stipend; travel and lodging costs are covered by the program. Accepting the fellowship commits the researcher to taking part in both workshops.